- call() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKeyPreCalculator
- call() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStore
- call() - Method in class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerCacheCalculate
Run a cache pre-calculator to fill cache for the specified duration.
- call() - Method in class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerCipherEncrypt
Commandline handler or encryption.
- call() - Method in class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerCipherList
Commandline handler to list all available ciphers, modes and paddings.
- call() - Method in class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerExamplesAddress
Commandline handler to create sample addresses.
- call() - Method in class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerExamplesGraph
Commandline handler to create sample graphs.
- call() - Method in class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreAdd
Commandline handler to add an identity to an identity store.
- call() - Method in class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreCreate
Commandline handler to create an identity store.
- call() - Method in class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreDel
Commandline handler to remove an identity from an identity store.
- call() - Method in class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreDump
Commandline handler to dump identities of an identity store.
- call() - Method in class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreGenerate
Commandline handler to generate an identity to an identity store.
- call() - Method in class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreInitDemo
Commandline handler to create a demo identity store.
- call() - Method in class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerInit
Commandline handler to rewrite a commented configuration file.
- call() - Method in class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerRedundancyAdd
Commandline handler to apply an add redundancy operation to a file.
- call() - Method in class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerVersion
Commandline handler to display application version.
- call() - Method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortex
- canRun() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.AbstractOperation
- canRun() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.AddRedundancy
- canRun() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.IdMapOperation
- canRun() - Method in interface net.messagevortex.router.operation.Operation
Checks if all prerequisiting fields do exist or can be provided by a subsequent
- canRun() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.RemoveRedundancy
- charlistBuilder(int, int) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Builds a set of chracters ranging from the ASCII code of start until the ASCII code
of end.
- charlistDifferencer(String, String) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Removes a given set of characters from a superset.
- checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AllTrustManager
- checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[], String, Socket) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AllTrustManager
- checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[], String, SSLEngine) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AllTrustManager
- checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AllTrustManager
- checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String, SSLEngine) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AllTrustManager
- checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String, Socket) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AllTrustManager
- chooseClientAlias(String[], Principal[], Socket) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.CustomKeyManager
Dummy method always returning the preselected alias.
- chooseEngineClientAlias(String[], Principal[], SSLEngine) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.CustomKeyManager
- chooseEngineServerAlias(String, Principal[], SSLEngine) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.CustomKeyManager
- chooseServerAlias(String, Principal[], Socket) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.CustomKeyManager
Alias choser always returning the desired alias.
- chooseServerAlias(String, Principal[]) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.CustomKeyManager
Dummy method always returning the preselected alias.
- CipherSpec - Class in net.messagevortex.asn1
Represents a the Blending specification of the cipher specification including usage.
- CipherSpec(ASN1Encodable) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.CipherSpec
Create object from ASN.1 code.
- CipherSpec(CipherUsage) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.CipherSpec
- CipherUsage - Enum in net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption
Enumeration for representing types of operation.
- clear() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKeyCache
Remove all elements from the cache.
- clear() - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- clear(String) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexRepository
Remove an id from the space.
- clearAttachments() - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.BlenderContent
- clearDummyEndpoints() - Static method in class net.messagevortex.transport.dummy.DummyTransportTrx
Remove all Dummy endpoints from the main listing.
- clearRecipes(String) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.blender.recipes.BlenderRecipe
Remove all recipes from the specified list of recipes.
- ClientConnection - Class in net.messagevortex.transport
- ClientConnection(SocketChannel, SecurityContext) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.ClientConnection
- ClientConnection(InetSocketAddress, SecurityContext) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.ClientConnection
- closeConnection() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
- commandEncoder(String) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Encodes a command so that newlines are visible.
- CommandLineHandlerCache - Class in net.messagevortex.commandline
Commandline handler for generating asymmetric keys.
- CommandLineHandlerCache() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerCache
- CommandLineHandlerCacheCalculate - Class in net.messagevortex.commandline
Commandline handler for pre-populating keys in cache.
- CommandLineHandlerCacheCalculate() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerCacheCalculate
- CommandLineHandlerCipher - Class in net.messagevortex.commandline
Commandline handler for using the encryot operations on files.
- CommandLineHandlerCipher() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerCipher
- CommandLineHandlerCipherEncrypt - Class in net.messagevortex.commandline
Commandline handler for symmetric encryption.
- CommandLineHandlerCipherEncrypt() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerCipherEncrypt
- CommandLineHandlerCipherList - Class in net.messagevortex.commandline
Commandline handler to list available ciphers.
- CommandLineHandlerCipherList() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerCipherList
- CommandLineHandlerExamples - Class in net.messagevortex.commandline
Commandline handler to generate sample files.
- CommandLineHandlerExamples() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerExamples
- CommandLineHandlerExamplesAddress - Class in net.messagevortex.commandline
creates sample adress representations for MessageVortex.
- CommandLineHandlerExamplesAddress() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerExamplesAddress
- CommandLineHandlerExamplesGraph - Class in net.messagevortex.commandline
- CommandLineHandlerExamplesGraph() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerExamplesGraph
- CommandLineHandlerIdentityStore - Class in net.messagevortex.commandline
commandline handler for identity store manipulations.
- CommandLineHandlerIdentityStore() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerIdentityStore
- CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreAdd - Class in net.messagevortex.commandline
Commandline helper to add an identity to an identity store.
- CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreAdd() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreAdd
- CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreCreate - Class in net.messagevortex.commandline
- CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreCreate() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreCreate
- CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreDel - Class in net.messagevortex.commandline
- CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreDel() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreDel
- CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreDump - Class in net.messagevortex.commandline
Commandline handler for dumping the identity store.
- CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreDump() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreDump
- CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreGenerate - Class in net.messagevortex.commandline
Commandline handler to generate a new set of identities.
- CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreGenerate() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreGenerate
- CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreInitDemo - Class in net.messagevortex.commandline
Commandline handler to generate new demo identities.
- CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreInitDemo() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerIdentityStoreInitDemo
- CommandLineHandlerInit - Class in net.messagevortex.commandline
- CommandLineHandlerInit() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerInit
- CommandLineHandlerRedundancy - Class in net.messagevortex.commandline
Commandline handler to the redundancy operations.
- CommandLineHandlerRedundancy() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerRedundancy
- CommandLineHandlerRedundancyAdd - Class in net.messagevortex.commandline
- CommandLineHandlerRedundancyAdd() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerRedundancyAdd
- CommandLineHandlerVersion - Class in net.messagevortex.commandline
- CommandLineHandlerVersion() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.commandline.CommandLineHandlerVersion
- compact() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.InternalPayloadSpace
- compare(GraphSet, GraphSet) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.GraphSet
Compares two graph sets for equality.
- compareTo(AlgorithmParameter) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AlgorithmParameter
- compareTo(UsagePeriod) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.UsagePeriod
- compareTo(BlenderRecipe) - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.recipes.BlenderRecipe
- compareTo(GraphSet) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.GraphSet
Compares this graph set with another graph set.
- compareTo(ImapConnection) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapConnection
- Config - Class in net.messagevortex
- Config(String) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.Config
- CONFIG_FAIL - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortex
- connect() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
Connects to the remote host with respective security context.
- contains(Edge) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.GraphSet
Check for a edge covering the mentioned points.
- copy() - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- createAndShowUserInterface(int, int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.JGraph
Shows UI interface with graph with specified sizes.
- createAndShowUserInterface() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.JGraph
- createBooleanConfigValue(String, String, boolean) - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- createNumericConfigValue(String, String, int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- createSaslServer(String, String, String, Map<String, ?>, CallbackHandler) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.SaslPlainServer.SaslPlainServerFactory
- createSectionConfigValue(String, String, String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- createSectionListConfigValue(String, String, String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- createStringConfigValue(String, String, String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- Credentials - Class in net.messagevortex.transport
- Credentials(String, String) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.Credentials
- Credentials(String, String, String) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.Credentials
- Credentials(String, String, SecurityRequirement) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.Credentials
- CRLF - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractBlock
- CRLF - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
- CustomKeyManager - Class in net.messagevortex.transport
Keymanager enables specification of key alias to be used.
- CustomKeyManager(String, String, String) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.CustomKeyManager
Convenience constructor.
- GaloisFieldMathMode - Class in net.messagevortex.router.operation
Offers galoise Math required for redundancy matrices.
- GaloisFieldMathMode(int) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.router.operation.GaloisFieldMathMode
- generateSeed(int) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.ExtendedSecureRandom
Returns the given number of seed bytes, computed using the seed generation algorithm
that this class uses to seed itself.
- GenericGenerator - Class in net.messagevortex.blender.generators
- GenericGenerator() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.blender.generators.GenericGenerator
- get(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AlgorithmParameter
Gets a value identified by a key from the list.
- get(Parameter) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AlgorithmParameter
- get(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AlgorithmParameter
- get(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.GraphSet
- getAcceptedIssuers() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AllTrustManager
- getAccountant() - Method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexAccounting
Gets the currently set accountant.
- getAccountant(String, String) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexRepository
Get the accountant specified in the named configuration section.
- getAccountant() - Method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexRouting
- getAccountant() - Method in interface net.messagevortex.router.Router
Get the currently set accounting layer.
- getAccountant() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.SimpleRouterImplementation
- getAfterInt() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.UsagePeriod
Gets the the absolute epoch of the end time.
- getAlgorithm() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricAlgorithmSpec
Gets the algorithm (@see Algorithm).
- getAlgorithm() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
Gets the algorithm of this key type.
- getAlgorithm() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.MacAlgorithm
- getAlgorithm() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.SymmetricKey
- getAlgorithmFamily() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Algorithm
The algorithm family.
- getAlgorithmParameter() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricAlgorithmSpec
Get the algorithm parameters (@see AlgorithmParameter).
- getAlgorithmParameter() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
Gets the full algorithm parameters of this key.
- getAlgorithms(AlgorithmType) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Algorithm
Return a list of algorithms of the specified type.
- getAlgorithms(AlgorithmType) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Padding
Get applicable padding sets for a given Algorithm type.
- getAlgorithmType() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Algorithm
Get the type of algorithm.
- getAllBlendingLayer() - Method in interface net.messagevortex.router.Router
Get a list of all currently known blender layers.
- getAllBlendingLayer() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.SimpleRouterImplementation
- getAnonIdentity(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.GraphSet
Get an identity from the specified anonymity set.
- getAnonSet(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStore
Gets a random set of known recipient identities.
- getAnonymity(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.GraphSet
- getAnonymityIndex(IdentityStoreBlock) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.GraphSet
- getAnonymitySet() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.GraphSet
- getAnonymitySetSize() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.GraphSet
- getAsByteArray() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.Matrix
Get the content of the matrixContent as byte array.
- getAString() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Get an IMAP AString (direct, quoted or prefixed) from the current buffer position.
- getAsymmetricSpec() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.CipherSpec
- getATag() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Get the tag at the current position.
- getAttachment(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.BlenderContent
- getAuth() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapConnection
Get the authentication proxy of the connection.
- getAuthorizationID() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.SaslPlainServer
- getBeforeInt() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.UsagePeriod
Gets the the absolute epoch of the start time.
- getBlender(String, String) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexRepository
Get the blender specified in the named configuration section.
- getBlenderContent(BlendingParameter, VortexMessage) - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.generators.AcademicGenerator
create an ASN.1 representation as blending text containing all possible
data in unencrypted, readable form.
- getBlenderContent(BlendingParameter, VortexMessage) - Method in interface net.messagevortex.blender.generators.BlenderGenerator
creates the blended message including the decoy text if needed.
- getBlenderContent(BlendingParameter, VortexMessage) - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.generators.GenericGenerator
- getBlendingAddress() - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.Blender
Returns the address supported for blender.
- getBlendingAddress() - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.DummyBlender
- getBlendingAddress() - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.F5Blender
- getBlendingAddress() - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.InitialRecipesBlender
- getBlendingAddress() - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.SmtpBlender
- getBlendingType() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.BlendingSpec
- getBlockSize() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
Gets the size of the key stored in this object.
- getBlockSize() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Algorithm
Get the default key size for this algorithm.
- getBlockSize(SecurityLevel) - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Algorithm
Get the block size for this algorithm and security level.
- getBooleanValue(String, String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- getBuild() - Static method in class net.messagevortex.Version
- getByClass(Class) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestType
Obtain the respective header request type by using the template class.
- getById(int) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.BlendingParameter.BlendingParameterChoice
Gets a blender parameter enum by its Id.
- getById(int) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Algorithm
Look up an algorithm by id.
- getById(int) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.CipherUsage
Gets a usage by its Id.
- getById(int) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.EllipticCurveType
Gets en elliptic curve by id.
- getById(int) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Mode
Get enumeration element by its ASN.1 ID.
- getById(int) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Padding
Get a padding by its ASN.1 ID.
- getById(int) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Parameter
Retrieve parameter by ASN.1 id.
- getById(int) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.PrngType
Gets a pseudo random number generator based on its id.
- getByKeySize(int) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.EllipticCurveType
Gets en elliptic curve by keySize.
- getByName(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.transport.SecurityRequirement
Gets the security requirement reflectted by the name.
- getByString(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Algorithm
Look up an algorithm by its identification string.
- getByString(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.CipherUsage
Gets a usage by its name.
- getByString(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.EllipticCurveType
Gets en elliptic enum curve by name.
- getByString(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Mode
Get enumeration element by its name.
- getByString(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Padding
Get a padding by its name.
- getByString(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Parameter
Retrieve parameter by name.
- getBytesAsLong(byte[]) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.VortexMessage
Converts a number of bytes into a long representation (LSB).
- getCacheFileName() - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
- getCacheFileName() - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKeyPreCalculator
Gets the currently set filename for key pre-calculation.
- getCacheFillGrade() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKeyCache
Get the total cache fill grade in percent.
- getCapabilities(ImapConnection) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommand
- getCapabilities(ImapConnection) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandAuthenticate
- getCapabilities(ImapConnection) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandCapability
- getCapabilities() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandLogin
- getCapabilities(ImapConnection) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandLogin
- getCapabilities(ImapConnection) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandLogout
- getCapabilities(ImapConnection) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandNoop
- getCertificateChain(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.CustomKeyManager
Obtain certificate chain of a certificate from keystore.
- getChallenge(int) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandAuthenticate
- getChoice() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.BlendingParameter
Gets the choice type of the blender parameter.
- getCipherUsage() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.CipherSpec
- getClientAliases(String, Principal[]) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.CustomKeyManager
Dummy method always returning the preselected alias.
- getCommand(String) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandFactory
- getCommand() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Getter for the command.
- getCommandIdentifier() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommand
- getCommandIdentifier() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandAuthenticate
Returns the Identifier (IMAP command) which are processed by this class.
- getCommandIdentifier() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandCapability
- getCommandIdentifier() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandLogin
- getCommandIdentifier() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandLogout
- getCommandIdentifier() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandNoop
- getCommands() - Static method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandFactory
Returns a list of all supported ImapCommands in no particular order.
- getConfiguredClass(String, String, Class) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortex
Loads a class of the given type.
- getConnection() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Getter for the Imap connection in Control of this command.
- getContext() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Returns the current buffer (including position) and some of the already read characters.
- getContext() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.SecurityContext
Gets the currently set SSL context.
- getCredentials(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AuthenticationProxy
- getDaemon(String, String, MessageVortex.DaemonType) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortex
This is a wrapper of the getConfiguredClass() methode.
- getDataStripes() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractRedundancyOperation
- getDecryptionKey() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.PrefixBlock
- getDecryptionKey() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.VortexMessage
Set the currently set encryption/decryption decryptionKey (asymmetric).
- getDefault(AlgorithmType) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Algorithm
Look up the default algorithm to be used on the system.
- getDefault() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.EllipticCurveType
- getDefault(AlgorithmType) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Mode
Gets the currently set default value for the given type.
- getDefault(AlgorithmType) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Padding
Get the default padding for a given AlgorithmType.
- getDefault() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.SecurityLevel
Retrieves the default security level to be used.
- getDefault() - Static method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- getDefault() - Static method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexConfig
- getDefaultTimeout() - Static method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
Gets the default timeout for all connections not having an own timeout.
- getDefaultValue(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
Gets the default value of the named configuration item.
- getDelayTime() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.Edge
Gets the maximum delay time a router may choose to delay the edge starting at the
start time.
- getDequeueProbability() - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
Gets the current probability for dequeing a used key (nolrmally 1.0)
- getDescription(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
Get the descriptive text of the named configuration item.
- getEngine() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
- getField(int, int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.Matrix
Extracts the value of a specified matrixContent field.
- getFirstProcessTime() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.RoutingCombo
- getFrom() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.Edge
Get the sending entity.
- getGaloisFieldMathMode(int) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.GaloisFieldMathMode
Gets a singleton math mode for the specified omega.
- getGfIlog() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.GaloisFieldMathMode
- getGfLog() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.GaloisFieldMathMode
- getGfSize() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractRedundancyOperation
- getGlobalLogger() - Static method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexLogger
gets the global logger.
- getGlobalLogLevel() - Static method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexLogger
Gets the log level of the global logger.
- getGraph() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.MessageFactory
- getGraph() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.SimpleMessageFactory
Gets the previously built message path.
- getHostIdentity() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStore
Get the own identity key.
- getHostName() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
Get the hostname of the remote host.
- getId() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.BlendingParameter.BlendingParameterChoice
- getId() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Algorithm
Look up the current id.
- getId() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.CipherUsage
- getId() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.EllipticCurveType
- getId() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Mode
Gets the ASN.1 numerical ID.
- getId() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Padding
Get the numeric ASN.1 id of the padding.
- getId() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Parameter
Retrieve the ASN.1 id of the parameter.
- getId() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.PrngType
- getId() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.StatusCode
Gets the ASN1 constant for this status code.
- getId() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestCapability
- getId() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestIdentity
- getId() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestIncreaseMessageQuota
- getId() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestIncreaseTransferQuota
- getId() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestQueryQuota
- getId() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestType
obtain the ASN.1 ID of the header request.
- getId() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.PayloadChunk
Gets the id of the payload chunk.
- getId() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.UsagePeriodType
- getIdentity(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStore
- getIdentity() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.InnerMessageBlock
- getIdentity() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.AbstractOperation
- getIdentity() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.InternalPayloadSpace
- getIdentity() - Method in interface net.messagevortex.router.operation.Operation
- getIdentityCert() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.Credentials
- getIdentityKey() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
Gets the identity representation (asymmetric key) of the block.
- getIdentityKey() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock
get the currently set identity key.
- getIdentityList() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStore
- getIdentityStore(String, String) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexRepository
Get the identity store specified in the named configuration section.
- getIdentityStoreBlockDemo(IdentityStoreBlock.IdentityType, String, boolean) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock
Get a new, random IdentityStoreBlock of the specified type.
- getIdentityStoreDemo() - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStore
Creates a new complete dummy identity store suitable for testing purposes.
- getImapConnection() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AuthenticationProxy
Get the ImapConnection object which belongs to this proxy.
- getImapState() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapConnection
- getInnerMessage() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.VortexMessage
gets the embedded inner message block.
- getInputId() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractRedundancyOperation
- getInputId() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.AddRedundancy
- getInputId() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.IdMapOperation
- getInputId() - Method in interface net.messagevortex.router.operation.Operation
Gets all ids which are required to execute this operation.
- getInputId() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.RemoveRedundancy
- getInstance(Object) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AddRedundancyOperation
Static conversion method.
- getInstance(ASN1Encodable) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestFactory
Conversion helper for header request.
- getInstance(ASN1Encodable) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.OperationFactory
Gets the respective Operation by tag number.
- getInternalPayload(IdentityBlock) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.InternalPayloadSpaceStore
Gets a payload space from the payload space store.
- getInverse() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.Matrix
Calculates the inverse by applying the Gauss-Jordan-algorithm.
- getIv() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.SymmetricKey
- getKey() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.PrefixBlock
- getKey() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.SymmetricKey
- getKeys() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractRedundancyOperation
Gets the omega parameter of the Galois field.
- getKeySize() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
Gets the size of the key stored in this object.
- getKeySize() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Algorithm
Get the default key size for this algorithm.
- getKeySize(SecurityLevel) - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Algorithm
Get the key size for this algorithm and security level.
- getKeySize() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.EllipticCurveType
- getKeySize() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.SymmetricKey
Gets the key size from the key generation parameters.
- getLastProcessTime() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.RoutingCombo
- getLogger(String) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexLogger
- getLongAsBytes(long, int) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.VortexMessage
converts an unsigned long value into a byte array representation (LSB).
- getLongAsBytes(long) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.VortexMessage
Converts an unsigned long value into a 32 bit byte array representation (LSB).
- getLowestCacheSize() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKeyCache
Get the size of the lowest cache in fraction of percent.
- getMacSpec() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.CipherSpec
- getMap() - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- getMaxSize(int) - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Padding
Gets the maximum payload size.
- getMechanismName() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.SaslPlainServer
- getMechanismNames(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.SaslPlainServer.SaslPlainServerFactory
- getMedia() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.BlendingSpec
- getMessage() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.MessageFactory
Gets the current message as a VortexMessage.
- getMessageQuota() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock
Getting the limit for number of incoming messages.
- getMinMessageTransferStart(long) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.SimpleMessageFactory
Sets the minimum time required to process a message in a node.
- getMode() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
Gets the mode used for encryption.
- getMode() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.SymmetricKey
- getModes(Algorithm) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Mode
Gets all cipher modes suitable for the specified algorithm.
- getName() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.ListeningSocketChannel
- getNegotiatedProperty(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.SaslPlainServer
- getNewIdentityStoreDemo(boolean) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStore
Creates a new dummy identity store suitable for testing purposes.
- getNewInstance(ASN1Encodable) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractCryptPayloadOperation
- getNewInstance(ASN1Encodable) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AddRedundancyOperation
- getNewInstance(ASN1Encodable) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.DecryptPayloadOperation
- getNewInstance(ASN1Encodable) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.EncryptPayloadOperation
- getNewInstance(ASN1Encodable) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.MapBlockOperation
- getNewInstance(ASN1Encodable) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.MergePayloadOperation
- getNewInstance(ASN1Encodable) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.Operation
Gets an instance of the object.
- getNewInstance(ASN1Encodable) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.RemoveRedundancyOperation
- getNewInstance(ASN1Encodable) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.SplitPayloadOperation
- getNextTag() - Static method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Get a unique identifier as a tag.
- getNextTag(String) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Get a unique identifier as a tag.
- getNodeAddress() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock
Getting the currently set node address.
- getNodeKey() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock
Getting the currently set node key.
- getNotAfter() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.UsagePeriod
Gets the date of expiry.
- getNotBefore() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.UsagePeriod
Gets the start of validity.
- getNumberOfAttachments() - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.BlenderContent
- getNumericValue(String, String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- getNumThreads() - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKeyPreCalculator
Get the number of maximum threads used for cache pre-calculation.
- getOutputId() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractRedundancyOperation
gets the id of the first output payload block.
- getOutputId() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.AddRedundancy
- getOutputId() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.IdMapOperation
- getOutputId() - Method in interface net.messagevortex.router.operation.Operation
Gets all ids which are written by this operation.
- getOutputId() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.RemoveRedundancy
- getOwnIdentity() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
Gets the identity representation (asymmetric key) of the block.
- getOwnSpace(String, IdentityBlock) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexRepository
Gets own payload space for a specific identity.
- getPadding() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
Gets the padding used for encryption.
- getPadding() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.SymmetricKey
- getPaddings() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Mode
Gets all known paddings regardless of their support.
- getParameter() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.SymmetricKey
- getParameters(SecurityLevel) - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Algorithm
Get default parameters for the security level specified.
- getParameters() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Algorithm
Get a map of security levels and default parameters for this algorithm.
- getPassword() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.Credentials
- getPasswordFromUrl(String) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapPassthruServer
Retrieves the password from an IMAPUrl string.
- getPayload() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.InnerMessageBlock
- getPayload() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.PayloadChunk
Gets the the currently set payload.
- getPayload(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.InternalPayloadSpace
Gets the payload of a workspace id.
- getPort() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
Gets the port of the remote host.
- getPort() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.ListeningSocketChannel
Gets the currently used local port.
- getPort() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.smtp.SmtpReceiver
- getPortFromUrl(String) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapPassthruServer
retrieves the port number from an IMAPUrl string.
- getPrecomputedAsymmetricKey(AlgorithmParameter) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKeyPreCalculator
retrieves a precomputed key from the cache.
- getPrefix() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.InnerMessageBlock
- getPrefix() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.VortexMessage
Gets the embedded prefix block.
- getPrivateKey() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
Gets the private key of this object.
- getPrivateKey(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.CustomKeyManager
Obtain private key from keystore.
- getProtocol() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
Gets the protocol name used.
- getProtocol() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.ListeningSocketChannel
- getProtocolFromUrl(String) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapPassthruServer
retrieves the protocol string from an IMAPUrl string.
- getProvider() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Algorithm
Get the provider string for this algorithm.
- getPublicKey() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
Gets the public key in binary representation.
- getQuota() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestIncreaseMessageQuota
- getQuota() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestIncreaseTransferQuota
- getRealm() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.Credentials
Gets the realm to be used.
- getRealMathMode() - Static method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.RealMathMode
- getReceiver() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.smtp.SmtpConnection
Gets the currently set transport receiver.
- getRecipe(String, Set<IdentityStoreBlock>) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.blender.recipes.BlenderRecipe
Get a recipe from the specified recipe set.
- getRecipientAddress() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.BlendingSpec
- getRecoveryMatrix(int[]) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.RedundancyMatrix
Calculates a matrixContent to recover all data rows given the missing rows.
- getRedundancy() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractRedundancyOperation
- getReplay() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
Gets the maximum number of replays for this block.
- getReplyBlock() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.PayloadChunk
Gets the the currently set reply block.
- getRequest(ASN1Encodable) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequest
- getRequest(ASN1Encodable) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestCapability
- getRequest(ASN1Encodable) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestIdentity
- getRequest(ASN1Encodable) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestIncreaseMessageQuota
- getRequest(ASN1Encodable) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestIncreaseTransferQuota
- getRequest(ASN1Encodable) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestQueryQuota
- getRequirement() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.SecurityContext
- getRequiresInitVector() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Mode
- getResouceFilename() - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- getRouter(String, String) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexRepository
Get the router specified in the named configuration section.
- getRoutes() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.GraphSet
Get a set of all graphs determined.
- getRouting() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.InnerMessageBlock
- getRoutingBlock() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.GraphSet
- getRoutingSender() - Method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexRouting
- getRow(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.Matrix
Get a row of the matrixContent as array.
- getRowAsByteArray(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.Matrix
Get the values of a row as byte arrays.
- getRunningDaemons(String) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexRepository
Get a list of all running daemons.
- getScreenShot(int, int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.JGraph
gets an image of the current graph.
- getSectionListValue(String, String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- getSectionValue(String, String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- getSecureRandom() - Static method in class net.messagevortex.ExtendedSecureRandom
Returns an internal representation of the secure Random number generator.
- getSecurityContext() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
Gets the security context used with the socket channel.
- getSecurityContext() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.ListeningSocketChannel
Gets the security context of the channel.
- getSecurityLevel() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.EllipticCurveType
- getSecurityRequirement() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.Credentials
- getSerial() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
Get the serial of the identity block.
- getServerAliases(String, Principal[]) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.CustomKeyManager
Dummy method always returning the preselected alias.
- getSimulatedSpace(String, IdentityBlock) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexRepository
gets a simulated payload space for a specific identity block.
- getSocketAddressFromUrl(String) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapPassthruServer
Convert an imap URL to a scket address with apropriate port.
- getSocketChannel() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
Returns the socket channel in use for this connection.
- getSocketListener() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.ListeningSocketChannel
- getSource() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.GraphSet
- getSpeculativeParameter() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKeyCache
Gets a set of parameter which should be calculated next.
- getStartTime() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.Edge
Gets the start time of the edge relative to the graphsets start.
- getStatusNumber() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock.IdentityStatus
- getStrength() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.transport.SaslMechanisms
Gets a strength representation of the respective authentication scheme.
- getString() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Get an IMAP String from the buffer (quoted or prefixed).
- getStringValue(String, String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- getStringVersion() - Static method in class net.messagevortex.Version
- getSupportedAnnotationTypes() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.annotator.AsnOneBuilder
- getSupportedCiphers() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.SecurityContext
Gets all the supported ciphers.
- getSupportedSourceVersion() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.annotator.AsnOneBuilder
- getSymmetricSpec() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.CipherSpec
- getTableDump() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.GaloisFieldMathMode
dumps transformation table of GF-Field.
- getTag() - Method in exception net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapException
- getTag() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Getter for the command tag.
- getTagNumber() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.Operation
- getTarget() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.GraphSet
- getTemplateClass() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestType
Returns a class representing the respective header request.
- getText() - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.BlenderContent
- getThreadDump(boolean) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.ThreadDumper
Get a string dump all running threads.
- getTimeout() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
Gets the default timeout for this connection.
- getTimeout() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapServer
Gets the timeout for new incoming connections.
- getTo() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.Edge
Get the receiving entity.
- getToolTipText(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.JGraph
This method is called automatically when the mouse is over the component.
- getTooltipText(Point) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.TooltipContainer
Returns the first tooltip text found for a given position.
- getTransferQuota() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock
Getting the transfer quota in bytes for outgoing messages.
- getTransportReceiver() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.smtp.SmtpReceiver
- getTransportSender() - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.Blender
Gets the currently set transport layer.
- getTrustStore() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.Credentials
- getType() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock
Getting the type of identity this key reflects.
- getUrl() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock
Gets an URL representation of the identity.
- getUsagePeriod() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestIdentity
- getUsagePeriod() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
Gets the currently set validity period of the block.
- getUsagePeriod() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.PayloadChunk
- getUsagePeriod() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.AbstractOperation
- getUsageString() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.CipherUsage
- getUsername() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.Credentials
- getUsernameFromUrl(String) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapPassthruServer
Retrieves the username from an IMAPUrl string.
- getValid() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock
Gets the currently set validity period.
- getVerifier() - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.Blender
- getVersion() - Method in class net.messagevortex.Version
- getX() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.Matrix
Get the number of columns.
- getY() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.Matrix
Set the number of rows.
- GF_SIZE - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractRedundancyOperation
- gotConnect(ServerConnection) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapServer
- gotConnect(ServerConnection) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.smtp.SmtpReceiver
- gotConnect(ServerConnection) - Method in interface net.messagevortex.transport.SocketListener
- gotMessage(VortexMessage) - Method in interface net.messagevortex.blender.BlendingReceiver
This Method is called by the Blending layer if a vmessage has been extracted.
- gotMessage(InputStream) - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.DummyBlender
- gotMessage(InputStream) - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.F5Blender
- gotMessage(InputStream) - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.InitialRecipesBlender
- gotMessage(InputStream) - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.SmtpBlender
Receives an SMTP message from the transport layer and extracts the message.
- gotMessage(VortexMessage) - Method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexRouting
- gotMessage(VortexMessage) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.SimpleRouterImplementation
- gotMessage(InputStream) - Method in interface net.messagevortex.transport.TransportReceiver
This Method is called by the TransportSender layer if a possible vmessage has arrived.
- GraphSet - Class in net.messagevortex.router
Represents the graphs between the nodes.
- GraphSet() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.router.GraphSet
Creates a new empty graph set.
- IDENTITY_ENCRYPTED - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.InnerMessageBlock
- IDENTITY_PLAIN - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.InnerMessageBlock
- IdentityBlock - Class in net.messagevortex.asn1
Represents an identity block of a vortexMessage.
- IdentityBlock() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
Creates a new IdentityBlock with a medium security default key.
- IdentityBlock(AsymmetricKey) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
Generates a new IdentityBlock for the given key.
- IdentityBlock(byte[], AsymmetricKey) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
Parses the given identity block using the specified key.
- IdentityBlock(byte[]) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
Parses the given unecrypted identity block.
- IdentityBlock(ASN1Encodable) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
Create object from ASN.1 code.
- IdentityBlock(ASN1Encodable, AsymmetricKey) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
Create object from encrypted ASN.1 code.
- IdentityBlock.IdentityStatus - Enum in net.messagevortex.asn1
- IdentityStore - Class in net.messagevortex.asn1
Stores all known identities of a node.
- IdentityStore() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStore
- IdentityStore(byte[]) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStore
- IdentityStore(File) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStore
Create object from ASN.1 encoded file.
- identityStore - Variable in class net.messagevortex.router.MessageFactory
- IdentityStoreBlock - Class in net.messagevortex.asn1
This class represents one block of an identity store for storage.
- IdentityStoreBlock() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock
- IdentityStoreBlock(ASN1Encodable) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock
Create object from ASN.1 code.
- IdentityStoreBlock(String) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock
Create an identity store block from an url.
- IdentityStoreBlock.IdentityType - Enum in net.messagevortex.asn1
- IdMapOperation - Class in net.messagevortex.router.operation
This is a dummy operation mainly for testing it maps output to input ids.
- IdMapOperation(int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.router.operation.IdMapOperation
Creates a simple operation mapping the input to the output ID.
- ImapBlankLineException - Exception in net.messagevortex.transport.imap
- ImapBlankLineException(ImapLine) - Constructor for exception net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapBlankLineException
- ImapClient - Class in net.messagevortex.transport.imap
- ImapClient(InetSocketAddress, SecurityContext) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapClient
- ImapCommand - Class in net.messagevortex.transport.imap
- ImapCommand() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommand
- ImapCommandAuthenticate - Class in net.messagevortex.transport.imap
Provides the the Authenticate command to the IMAP server.
- ImapCommandAuthenticate() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandAuthenticate
- ImapCommandCapability - Class in net.messagevortex.transport.imap
- ImapCommandCapability() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandCapability
- ImapCommandFactory - Class in net.messagevortex.transport.imap
- ImapCommandFactory() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandFactory
- ImapCommandLogin - Class in net.messagevortex.transport.imap
- ImapCommandLogin() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandLogin
- ImapCommandLogout - Class in net.messagevortex.transport.imap
- ImapCommandLogout() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandLogout
- ImapCommandNoop - Class in net.messagevortex.transport.imap
- ImapCommandNoop() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandNoop
- ImapConnection - Class in net.messagevortex.transport.imap
- ImapConnection(AbstractConnection, AuthenticationProxy) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapConnection
Creates an ImapConnection.
- ImapConnectionState - Enum in net.messagevortex.transport.imap
Created by Martin on 07.04.2018.
- ImapException - Exception in net.messagevortex.transport.imap
This exception expresses a failure in IMAP processing.
- ImapException(ImapLine, String) - Constructor for exception net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapException
- ImapLine - Class in net.messagevortex.transport.imap
A Imap conformant parser/scanner.
- ImapLine(ImapConnection, String, InputStream) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Creates an imap line object with a parser for a command.
- ImapLine(ImapConnection, String) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Trivial constructor omiting a stream.
- ImapNullLineException - Exception in net.messagevortex.transport.imap
- ImapNullLineException(ImapLine) - Constructor for exception net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapNullLineException
- ImapPassthruServer - Class in net.messagevortex.transport.imap
- ImapPassthruServer(InetSocketAddress, SecurityContext, Credentials, InetSocketAddress, Credentials) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapPassthruServer
Create an IMAP passthru proxy server.
- ImapServer - Class in net.messagevortex.transport.imap
- ImapServer(SecurityContext) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapServer
Creates an IMAP server listening the default port on all interfaces of the server.
- ImapServer(InetSocketAddress, SecurityContext) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapServer
Creates an IMAP server listening on the specified socket address.
- imapStartTls() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapClient
Initiate a TLS handshake by issuing a STARTTLS command.
- IncomingMessageRouterListener - Interface in net.messagevortex.router
- init(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.annotator.AsnOneBuilder
- init() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapCommandAuthenticate
Initializer called by the static constructor of ImapCommand.
- InitialRecipesBlender - Class in net.messagevortex.blender
- InitialRecipesBlender(String) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.blender.InitialRecipesBlender
An initial blender implementation based on anonymity recipes.
- InitialRecipesBlender(String, BlendingReceiver, IdentityStore, Accountant) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.blender.InitialRecipesBlender
Creates a passthru blender which abstracts a local transport media.
- INNER_MESSAGE_ENCRYPTED - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.VortexMessage
- INNER_MESSAGE_PLAIN - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.VortexMessage
- InnerMessageBlock - Class in net.messagevortex.asn1
represents the inner encrypted part of a VortexMessage.
- InnerMessageBlock() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.InnerMessageBlock
- InnerMessageBlock(Algorithm, AsymmetricKey) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.InnerMessageBlock
- InnerMessageBlock(PrefixBlock, IdentityBlock, RoutingCombo) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.InnerMessageBlock
Creates an inner message with the specified components.
- InnerMessageBlock(byte[], AsymmetricKey) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.InnerMessageBlock
- INPUT_ID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractRedundancyOperation
- InternalPayloadSpace - Class in net.messagevortex.router.operation
Represents a payload space of an identity in memory for processing.
- InternalPayloadSpace(InternalPayloadSpaceStore, IdentityBlock) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.router.operation.InternalPayloadSpace
Creates an internal payload space and adds it to the central directory.
- InternalPayloadSpaceStore - Class in net.messagevortex.router.operation
- InternalPayloadSpaceStore() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.router.operation.InternalPayloadSpaceStore
- intToAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestIdentity
- intToAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestIncreaseMessageQuota
- inUsagePeriod() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.UsagePeriod
- inUsagePeriod(Date) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.UsagePeriod
checks whether the reference time is within the specified usage time.
- isAppliable(Set<IdentityStoreBlock>) - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.recipes.BlenderRecipe
Tests if the given recipe may be applied to the anon set available.
- isAppliable(Set<IdentityStoreBlock>) - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.recipes.LowAnonRecipe
Checks if the recipe is applicaable.
- isAppliable(Set<IdentityStoreBlock>) - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.recipes.SimplePathRecipe
- isCipherSupported(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.SecurityContext
- isComplete() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.SaslPlainServer
- isDefaultValue(String, String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
Checks if a specific key is returning default values only.
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKeyCache
Check if the cache is empty.
- isEncodable() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Parameter
Check if Parameter may be encoded in an ASN.1 file.
- isEncrypted() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.PrefixBlock
get the encryption status of the prefix block.
- isEncrypted() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.RoutingCombo
- isInExtent(Point) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.TooltipExtent
Returns true if the given point is within the extent.
- isInExtent(Point) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.TooltipExtentBox
- isInExtent(Point) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.TooltipExtentCircular
- isInUsagePeriod() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.PayloadChunk
- isInUsagePeriod(Date) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.PayloadChunk
Checks if the usage period passed is fully embraced in the usage period.
- isInUsagePeriod() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.AbstractOperation
Checks if the operation is within its usage period.
- isInUsagePeriod() - Method in interface net.messagevortex.router.operation.Operation
Checks if this operation is still valid or might be purged from the identities working
- isShutdown() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
- isShutdown() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapServer
- isShutdown() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.ListeningSocketChannel
- isShutdown() - Method in interface net.messagevortex.transport.StoppableThread
Query if the process is marked for shutdown.
- isTls() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
returns true if a TLS handshake has been successfully done.
- iterator() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.GraphSet
- SaslClientCallbackHandler - Class in net.messagevortex.transport
- SaslClientCallbackHandler(Credentials) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.SaslClientCallbackHandler
- SaslMechanisms - Enum in net.messagevortex.transport
Enum representing supported SASL mechanisms.
- SaslPlainServer - Class in net.messagevortex.transport
- SaslPlainServer.SaslPlainServerFactory - Class in net.messagevortex.transport
- SaslPlainServer.SecurityProvider - Class in net.messagevortex.transport
- SaslPlainServerFactory() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.SaslPlainServer.SaslPlainServerFactory
- SaslServerCallbackHandler - Class in net.messagevortex.transport
- SaslServerCallbackHandler(AuthenticationProxy) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.SaslServerCallbackHandler
- saveScreenshot(String, int, int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.JGraph
Writes a screenshot of the current graph into a jpeg file.
- SecurityContext - Class in net.messagevortex.transport
Created by Martin on 11.03.2018.
- SecurityContext() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.SecurityContext
- SecurityContext(SecurityRequirement) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.SecurityContext
- SecurityContext(SSLContext) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.SecurityContext
- SecurityContext(SSLContext, SecurityRequirement) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.SecurityContext
- SecurityLevel - Enum in net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption
Enumeration of all possible security levels.
- SecurityProvider() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.SaslPlainServer.SecurityProvider
- SecurityRequirement - Enum in net.messagevortex.transport
- sendCommand(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapClient
Send a command to an IMAP server.
- sendCommand(String, long) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapClient
Send a command to an IMAP server.
- sendMessage(String, InputStream) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.dummy.DummyTransportTrx
send a message to another dummy endpoint.
- sendMessage(String, InputStream) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.MailConnector
- sendMessage(String, InputStream) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.MailServer
- sendMessage(String, InputStream) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.pop3.TestPop3Handler
- sendMessage(String, InputStream) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.smtp.SmtpSender
- sendMessage(String, InputStream) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.smtp.TestSmtpHandler
- sendMessage(String, InputStream) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.SmtpImapServer
- sendMessage(String, InputStream) - Method in interface net.messagevortex.transport.TransportSender
sends a message on the transport layer.
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractCryptPayloadOperation
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractRedundancyOperation
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AddRedundancyOperation
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AlgorithmParameter
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricAlgorithmSpec
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKeyCache
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKeyPreCalculator
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.BlendingParameter
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.BlendingSpec
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.CipherSpec
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.DecryptPayloadOperation
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Algorithm
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.AlgorithmType
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Padding
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.EncryptPayloadOperation
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequest
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestCapability
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestFactory
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestIdentity
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestIncreaseMessageQuota
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestIncreaseTransferQuota
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestQueryQuota
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStore
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.InnerMessageBlock
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.Key
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.MacAlgorithm
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.MacAlgorithmSpec
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.MapBlockOperation
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.MergePayloadOperation
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.Operation
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.PayloadChunk
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.PrefixBlock
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.RemoveRedundancyOperation
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.RoutingCombo
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.SizeBlock
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.SplitPayloadOperation
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.SymmetricAlgorithmSpec
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.SymmetricKey
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.UsagePeriod
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.VortexMessage
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.AddRedundancy
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.IdMapOperation
- serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.RemoveRedundancy
- ServerConnection - Class in net.messagevortex.transport
A generic listening server connection.
- ServerConnection(SocketChannel, SecurityContext) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.ServerConnection
Creates a server connection based on a server channel.
- ServerConnection(AbstractConnection) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.ServerConnection
Creates a connection based on a template connection.
- setAccountant(Accountant) - Method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexAccounting
set the accountant in charge off the workspace.
- setAccountant(String, String, Accountant) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexRepository
Set the accountant specified in the named configuration section.
- setAccountant(Accountant) - Method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexRouting
Specifies the accounting layer to be used.
- setAccountant(Accountant) - Method in interface net.messagevortex.router.Router
Sets the accounting layer for the router layer.
- setAccountant(Accountant) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.SimpleRouterImplementation
- setAlgorithm(Algorithm) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.MacAlgorithm
Sets the algorithm.
- setAnonymitySet(IdentityStoreBlock[]) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.GraphSet
Sets the list of identities to be used for the anonymity set.
- setAnonymitySetSize(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.InitialRecipesBlender
Sets the size of the anonymity set.
- setAsymmetricSpec(AsymmetricAlgorithmSpec) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.CipherSpec
Sets the specification for an asymmetric key.
- setAuth(AuthenticationProxy) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapConnection
Setter for the authentication proxy handling incomming requests for authentication.
- setAuth(AuthenticationProxy) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapServer
Sets the authentication proxy for incoming connections.
- setBlender(String, String, Blender) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexRepository
Set the blender specified in the named configuration section.
- setBlenderReceiver(BlendingReceiver) - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.Blender
Sets the listening router layer.
- setBlendingType(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.BlendingSpec
Sets the media type of the blender spec.
- setBooleanValue(String, String, boolean, int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- setCacheFileName(String) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
- setCacheFileName(String) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKeyPreCalculator
Set name of cache file.
- setCacheSize(int, int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKeyCache
Set the expected size of the cache.
- setCacheSize() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKeyPreCalculator
Command line helper to set the maximum cache size of a cached item.
- setCacheSize(int, int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKeyPreCalculator
Set the maximum cache size of a cached item.
- setCalcTime(AlgorithmParameter, long) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKeyCache
Sets the time for a calculation with the specified parameter.
- setCalculatedPayload(int, PayloadChunk) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.InternalPayloadSpace
Sets an ephemeral payload.
- setCipherUsage(CipherUsage) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.CipherSpec
Sets the usage type for the cypher specified in this set.
- setClientCert(KeyStore) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.Credentials
Sets the trust store to be used when working with peer certificates.
- setClusterName(String) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.transport.dummy.DummyTransportTrx
Sets the name of the cluster instance.
- setContext(SSLContext) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.SecurityContext
Sets the SSL context to be used.
- setDataStripes(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractRedundancyOperation
Sets the number of data stripes for this operation.
- setDecryptionKey(AsymmetricKey) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.PrefixBlock
Sets the decryption key for the prefix block.
- setDecryptionKey(AsymmetricKey) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.VortexMessage
Set the encryption/decryption decryptionKey.
- setDefault(SecurityLevel) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.SecurityLevel
Sets the default security level to be used.
- setDefaultTimeout(long) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
Sets the default timeout for all connections not having an own timeout.
- setDelayTime(long) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.Edge
Sets the maximum delay time a router may choose to delay the edge starting at the
start time.
- setDequeueProbability(double) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
Sets the probability of reusing a precalculated key again.
- setEngine(SSLEngine) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
- setField(int, int, int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.Matrix
Sets the value of a specified matrixContent field.
- setFistProcessTime(long) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.RoutingCombo
Sets time when router block could be processed (earliest).
- setGfSize(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractRedundancyOperation
Sets the omega parameter of the Galois field.
- setGlobalLogLevel(Level) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexLogger
Sets the provided log level globally.
- setHostIdentity(AsymmetricKey) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStore
Sets the owned key.
- setId(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.PayloadChunk
Sets the id of the payload chunk.
- setId(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapConnection
Sets the thread name of the connection handler.
- setIdentityCert(X509Certificate) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.Credentials
Sets the certificate to be used with this identity.
- setIdentityKey(AsymmetricKey) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
Sets the identity representation (asymmetric key) of the block.
- setIdentityKey(AsymmetricKey) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock
Set a new identity key.
- setIdentityStore(String, String, IdentityStore) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexRepository
Set the identity store specified in the named configuration section.
- setIdentityStore(IdentityStore) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.MessageFactory
Sets the identity store to be used for creation of the message.
- setImapConnection(ImapConnection) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AuthenticationProxy
Sets the ImapConnection object which belongs to this proxy.
- setImapState(ImapConnectionState) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapConnection
Sets the current authentication state of the connection.
- setIncomingMessageListener(IncomingMessageRouterListener) - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.Blender
Sets the listener for incoming messages to the router listener.
- setInnerMessage(InnerMessageBlock) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.VortexMessage
Setter for the inner message block.
- setInputId(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractRedundancyOperation
Sets the id of the first input id of the payload.
- setInternalPayload(InternalPayloadSpace) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.AbstractOperation
Puts a payload int the workspace.
- setInternalPayload(IdentityBlock, InternalPayloadSpace) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.InternalPayloadSpaceStore
Sets a payload space into the payload space store.
- setInternalPayload(InternalPayloadSpace) - Method in interface net.messagevortex.router.operation.Operation
Sets the internal payload and associated identity.
- setIv(byte[]) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.SymmetricKey
Sets a initialisation vector to be used by the keys default padding.
- setKey(SymmetricKey) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.PrefixBlock
Sets the symmetric key contained in the block.
- setKey(byte[]) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.SymmetricKey
Directly replaces the keys binary representation.
- setKeys(List<SymmetricKey>) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractRedundancyOperation
Sets the keys to be used to encrypt all input respective output fields.
- setLastProcessTime(long) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.RoutingCombo
Sets time when router block could be processed (latest).
- setLocalMode(boolean) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.transport.dummy.DummyTransportTrx
Set local only mode for dummy transport.
- setMacSpec(MacAlgorithmSpec) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.CipherSpec
Sets the specification for an mac algorithm.
- setMaxTransferTime(long) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.SimpleMessageFactory
Sets the maximum time allowed to transfer the message to the final destination.
- setMedia(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.BlendingSpec
Sets the media type of the blender spec.
- setMessageQuota(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock
Setting the limit for number of incoming messages.
- setMinStepProcessSTime(long) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.SimpleMessageFactory
Sets the minimum time required to process a message in a node.
- setMode(Mode) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
Sets the mode used for encryption.
- setModulo(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.Matrix
Sets a modulo value of the matrixContent for all operations.
- setName(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.ListeningSocketChannel
- setName(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.smtp.SmtpConnection
Sets the thread name of the connection handler.
- setNodeAddress(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock
Setting the node address.
- setNodeKey(AsymmetricKey) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock
Setting the current node key.
- setNotAfter(Date) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.UsagePeriod
Sets the Date for expiriy of the validity.
- setNotBefore(Date) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.UsagePeriod
Sets the start date of validity.
- setNumericValue(String, String, int, int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- setNumThreads(int) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKeyPreCalculator
Set the maximum number of working threads for the cache pre-calculator.
- setOutputId(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractRedundancyOperation
Sets the id of the first output block of the function.
- setOwnIdentity(AsymmetricKey) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
Sets the identity representation (asymmetric key) of the block.
- setPadding(Padding) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
Sets the padding used for encryption.
- setPassword(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.Credentials
Sets the password to be used.
- setPayload(int, byte[]) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.InnerMessageBlock
Sets the payload block.
- setPayload(byte[]) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.PayloadChunk
Set a byte array as payload.
- setPayload(PayloadChunk) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.InternalPayloadSpace
Sets a payload chunk.
- setPrefix(PrefixBlock) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.VortexMessage
Sets the embedded prefix block.
- setPrivateKey(byte[]) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
Sets the private key of this object.
- setProtocol(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
Sets the protocol to be used (mainly for logger messages).
- setProtocol(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.ListeningSocketChannel
Set the protocol identifier of the channel.
- setPublicKey(byte[]) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
Sets the public key.
- setQuota(long) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestIncreaseMessageQuota
Sets the quota of the request.
- setQuota(long) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestIncreaseTransferQuota
Sets the quota of the request.
- setRealm(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.Credentials
Sets the realm for this user.
- setReceiver(TransportReceiver) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.smtp.SmtpConnection
Sets the transport receiver.
- setRecipientAddress(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.BlendingSpec
sets the receiver address of the blender spec.
- setRedundancy(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractRedundancyOperation
sets the number of redundancy stripes.
- setReplay(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
Sets the maximum number of replays for this block.
- setReplyBlock(byte[]) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.PayloadChunk
Set a byte array as reply block.
- setRequests(HeaderRequest[]) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
- setRequirement(SecurityRequirement) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.SecurityContext
Sets the necessities of the security context.
- setRoute(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.JGraph
Sets the highlighted route.
- setRouter(String, String, Router) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexRepository
Set the router specified in the named configuration section.
- setRouting(RoutingCombo) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.InnerMessageBlock
Sets the routing block.
- setRoutingSender(BlendingSender) - Method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexRouting
Specifies the router sender.
- setSectionListValue(String, String, String, int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- setSectionValue(String, String, String, int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- setSecurityContext(SecurityContext) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
Sets the security context to be used with the socket channel.
- setSecurityContext(SecurityContext) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.ListeningSocketChannel
Sets the security context of the socket channel.
- setSecurityRequirement(SecurityRequirement) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.Credentials
Sets the security requirement assiciated with these credentials.
- setSerial(long) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
Set the serial of the identity block.
- setSocketChannel(SocketChannel) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
- setSocketListener(SocketListener) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.ListeningSocketChannel
- setSource(IdentityStoreBlock) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.GraphSet
Sets the source identity of this graph.
- setStartTime(long) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.Edge
Sets the start time of the edge relative to the start time of the graph set.
- setStringValue(String, String, String, int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- setSymmetricSpec(SymmetricAlgorithmSpec) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.CipherSpec
Sets the specification for an symmetric key.
- setTagNumber(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.Operation
sets the ag number to be set when encoding the operation.
- setTarget(IdentityStoreBlock) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.GraphSet
Sets the target identity of this graph.
- setText(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.BlenderContent
Set the message text of the blender content.
- setTimeout(long) - Method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexController
Sets the timeout when the controller should shutdown.
- setTimeout(long) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
Sets the default timeout for this connection.
- setTimeout(long) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapServer
Sets the timeout for new incoming connections.
- setTransferQuota(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock
Setting the limmit for the outgoing transfer quotas in bytes.
- setTransport(String, String, Transport) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortexRepository
Set the transport specified in the named configuration section.
- setTransportReceiver(TransportReceiver) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.smtp.SmtpReceiver
Sets the belnding layer to be used.
- setTransportSender(TransportSender) - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.Blender
Sets the transport sending layer.
- SETUP_FAIL - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.MessageVortex
- setUsagePeriod(UsagePeriod) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestIdentity
Sets the usage period of the identity to the new value.
- setUsagePeriod(UsagePeriod) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
Sets the maximum usage period of the block.
- setUsagePeriod(UsagePeriod) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.PayloadChunk
Sets the usage period of the payload cunk.
- setUsagePeriod(UsagePeriod) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.AbstractOperation
Sets the usage period of the respective operation.
- setUsername(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.Credentials
Sets the username to the specified String.
- setValid(UsagePeriod) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock
The usage period of the identity block.
- setVerifier(HeaderVerifier) - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.Blender
Sets the header verifier of the accounting layer.
- showStats() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKeyCache
Dumps cache stats to the logger.
- shutdown() - Method in class net.messagevortex.blender.SmtpBlender
- shutdown() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
- shutdown() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.ClientConnection
- shutdown() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapConnection
Tear down connection handler thread.
- shutdown() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapPassthruServer
- shutdown() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapServer
- shutdown() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.ListeningSocketChannel
Shutdown the socket channel.
- shutdown() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.smtp.SmtpReceiver
- shutdown() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.SocketDeblocker
Shutdown the running threads and wait for termination.
- shutdown() - Method in interface net.messagevortex.transport.StoppableThread
Shuts the thread gracefully down.
- shutdownDaemon() - Method in class net.messagevortex.AbstractDaemon
- shutdownDaemon() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStore
- shutdownDaemon() - Method in interface net.messagevortex.RunningDaemon
Shuts this class down.
- shutdownDaemon() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.dummy.DummyTransportTrx
- shutdownDaemon() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.MailServer
- shutdownDaemon() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.pop3.TestPop3Handler
- shutdownDaemon() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.smtp.SmtpSender
- shutdownDaemon() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.smtp.TestSmtpHandler
- shutdownDaemon() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.SmtpImapServer
- sign(byte[]) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
Signs a byte array.
- sign(byte[], Algorithm) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
Signs a byte array.
- SimpleMessageFactory - Class in net.messagevortex.router
- SimpleMessageFactory(String, int, int, IdentityStoreBlock[], IdentityStore) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.router.SimpleMessageFactory
A simple message factory creating a possibly redundant message path.
- SimplePathRecipe - Class in net.messagevortex.blender.recipes
- SimplePathRecipe(String) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.blender.recipes.SimplePathRecipe
- SimplePrng() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.router.operation.AddRedundancy.SimplePrng
- SimplePrng(long) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.router.operation.AddRedundancy.SimplePrng
- SimpleRouterImplementation - Class in net.messagevortex.router
A simple router implementation providing some basic strategies
for building a routing block.
- SimpleRouterImplementation(String) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.router.SimpleRouterImplementation
Default constructor to build class from configuration object.
- size() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.GraphSet
- SizeBlock - Class in net.messagevortex.asn1
Created by Martin on 04.06.2017.
- SizeBlock(ASN1Encodable) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.SizeBlock
- skipBytes(long) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Skips the specified number of characters and adds them to the past context.
- skipBytes(long, boolean) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Skips the specified number of bytes.
- skipLineEnd() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Skips a CRLF combo in the buffer.
- skipUntilLineEnd() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Skips up to a CRLF combo in the buffer.
- skipWhitespace(int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Skips the specified number of SPACES.
- SmtpBlender - Class in net.messagevortex.blender
- SmtpBlender(BlendingReceiver, HeaderVerifier) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.blender.SmtpBlender
- SmtpConnection - Class in net.messagevortex.transport.smtp
Creates a connection to a SMTP Server Socket.
- SmtpConnection(InetSocketAddress, SecurityContext, Credentials) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.smtp.SmtpConnection
- SmtpConnection(SocketChannel, SecurityContext, Credentials) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.smtp.SmtpConnection
- SmtpImapServer - Class in net.messagevortex.transport
- SmtpImapServer(String) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.SmtpImapServer
Creates a comboo of local SMTP and IMAP server as listener for a client.
- SmtpReceiver - Class in net.messagevortex.transport.smtp
- SmtpReceiver(InetSocketAddress, SecurityContext, TransportReceiver) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.smtp.SmtpReceiver
creates a local SMTP server.
- SmtpSender - Class in net.messagevortex.transport.smtp
- SmtpSender(String, String, int, Credentials, SecurityContext) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.smtp.SmtpSender
Creates an SMTP sending daemon transfering messages to a smart relay.
- snoopBytes(long) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Get the specified number of characters without moving from the current position.
- snoopEscQuotes() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapLine
Returns true if escaped quotes are present at the current position.
- SocketDeblocker - Class in net.messagevortex.transport
- SocketDeblocker(int, int) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.SocketDeblocker
- SocketListener - Interface in net.messagevortex.transport
Created by Martin on 10.03.2018.
- source - Variable in class net.messagevortex.router.MessageFactory
- SplitPayloadOperation - Class in net.messagevortex.asn1
Splits a payload block in two blocks.
- SplitPayloadOperation(ASN1Encodable) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.SplitPayloadOperation
- startDaemon() - Method in class net.messagevortex.AbstractDaemon
- startDaemon() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStore
- startDaemon() - Method in interface net.messagevortex.RunningDaemon
Initializes and starts all threads required to run the daemon.
- startDaemon() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.pop3.TestPop3Handler
- startDaemon() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.smtp.SmtpSender
- startDaemon() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.smtp.TestSmtpHandler
- startTls() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
Make a TLS handshake on the connection with the default timeout.
- startTls(long) - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.AbstractConnection
Make a TLS handshake on the connection with a specified timeout.
- StatusCode - Enum in net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption
This enum maps the ASN1 error coders as defined in StatusCode.
- stopDaemon() - Method in class net.messagevortex.AbstractDaemon
- stopDaemon() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStore
- stopDaemon() - Method in interface net.messagevortex.RunningDaemon
Stopps all daemon threads and frees all temporary resources.
- stopDaemon() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.pop3.TestPop3Handler
- stopDaemon() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.smtp.SmtpSender
- StoppableThread - Interface in net.messagevortex.transport
Interface for a stoppable thread.
- store(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKeyCache
Stores the cache to the specified filename for later usage.
- store() - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- store(String) - Method in class net.messagevortex.Config
- sub(int, int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.GaloisFieldMathMode
- sub(int, int) - Method in interface net.messagevortex.router.operation.MathMode
Subtract c2 from c1.
- sub(int, int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.RealMathMode
- SymmetricAlgorithmSpec - Class in net.messagevortex.asn1
- SymmetricAlgorithmSpec(AsymmetricAlgorithmSpec) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.SymmetricAlgorithmSpec
- SymmetricAlgorithmSpec(ASN1Encodable) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.SymmetricAlgorithmSpec
- SymmetricKey - Class in net.messagevortex.asn1
Represents a Symmetric Key in the ASN.1 structure
- SymmetricKey() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.SymmetricKey
- SymmetricKey(Algorithm) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.SymmetricKey
- SymmetricKey(Algorithm, Padding, Mode) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.SymmetricKey
Creates a new symmetric key according to spec.
- SymmetricKey(byte[]) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.SymmetricKey
- SymmetricKey(byte[], AsymmetricKey) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.SymmetricKey
creates a new symmetric key from the given PKCS#1 blob.
- TAG_NOT_AFTER - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.UsagePeriod
- TAG_NOT_BEFORE - Static variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.UsagePeriod
- target - Variable in class net.messagevortex.router.MessageFactory
- targetReached(IdentityStoreBlock) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.GraphSet
Checks if a specific identity store block is already reached by this graph.
- TestImapHandler - Class in net.messagevortex.transport.imap
- TestImapHandler() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.imap.TestImapHandler
- TestPop3Handler - Class in net.messagevortex.transport.pop3
- TestPop3Handler(String) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.pop3.TestPop3Handler
Constructor starting a POP3 server from the named config section.
- TestSmtpHandler - Class in net.messagevortex.transport.smtp
FIXME: This implementation uses a Greenmail SMTP server.
- TestSmtpHandler(String) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.transport.smtp.TestSmtpHandler
Coinstructor getting parameters from named config section.
- ThreadDumper - Class in net.messagevortex
Helper class to debug hanging or uncleared threads.
- ThreadDumper(long) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.ThreadDumper
Dump all running threads on a regular base.
- toAsn1() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Mode
Gets the corresponding ASN1 enumeration.
- toAsn1() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Padding
Get the corresponding ASN1 enumeration.
- toAsn1() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.StatusCode
Returns the corresponding ASN1 enumeration.
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractCryptPayloadOperation
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractRedundancyOperation
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AddRedundancyOperation
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AlgorithmParameter
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricAlgorithmSpec
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
Dumps the key as ASN1 object.
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.BlendingParameter
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.BlendingSpec
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.CipherSpec
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in interface net.messagevortex.asn1.Dumpable
Dumps an ASN.1 representation of the object.
- toAsn1Object(String) - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Parameter
Encode the string representation into the ASN.1 equivalent.
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequest
Dumps the respective header request.
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
Dumps the identity block as ASN.1 der encoded object.
- toAsn1Object(DumpType, AsymmetricKey) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
Dumps the identity block as ASN.1 der encoded object.
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStore
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock
- toAsn1Object() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.InnerMessageBlock
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.InnerMessageBlock
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.MacAlgorithm
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.MapBlockOperation
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.MergePayloadOperation
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.PayloadChunk
Creates a der encoded ASN1 representation of the payload chunk.
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.PrefixBlock
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.ReplyBlock
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.RoutingCombo
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.SizeBlock
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.SplitPayloadOperation
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.SymmetricKey
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.UsagePeriod
- toAsn1Object(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.VortexMessage
Dumps the object a ASN1Object.
- toAsn1Primitive() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AddRedundancyOperation
- toBase64(byte[]) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractBlock
Get a base64 encoded string representation of the byte array.
- toBinary(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.VortexMessage
Build the binary represenattion for a vortexMessage.
- toBitString(ASN1BitString) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractBlock
Convert an ASN.1 Bit String to the respective string representation.
- toBytes(DumpType) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractBlock
Dumps the object as ASN.1 der encoded byte array.
- toBytes(DumpType) - Method in interface net.messagevortex.asn1.Block
- toBytes() - Method in class net.messagevortex.transport.ByteArrayBuilder
Get the current byte array.
- toDer(ASN1Object) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractBlock
- toEncBytes() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.PrefixBlock
Get the ASN.1 encoded prefix block in encrypted form.
- toEncBytes() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.RoutingCombo
- toHex(byte[]) - Static method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AbstractBlock
Converts a byte array to a hex representation.
- TooltipContainer - Class in net.messagevortex.router
- TooltipContainer() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.router.TooltipContainer
- TooltipExtent - Class in net.messagevortex.router
Abstract class representing any tooltip extent.
- TooltipExtent() - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.router.TooltipExtent
- TooltipExtentBox - Class in net.messagevortex.router
Extent with a rectangular shape.
- TooltipExtentBox(Rectangle2D) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.router.TooltipExtentBox
Creates a new extent with a rectangular shape.
- TooltipExtentCircular - Class in net.messagevortex.router
Extent with a circular shape.
- TooltipExtentCircular(Ellipse2D) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.router.TooltipExtentCircular
Creates an extent with a circular shape.
- toString() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AlgorithmParameter
- toString() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
Gets a textual representation of the objects parameters (without the keys).
- toString() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Algorithm
Get the identification string.
- toString() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.EllipticCurveType
- toString() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Mode
Gets the mode identifier as required by the encryption provider.
- toString() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Padding
Get the textual representation of the padding for the cryptographic provider.
- toString() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Parameter
Retrieve the name of the parameter.
- toString() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.SecurityLevel
- toString() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock
- toString() - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.SymmetricKey
Gets a textual representation of the objects parameters (without the keys).
- toString() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.Edge
- toString() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.AddRedundancy
- toString() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.GaloisFieldMathMode
- toString() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.IdMapOperation
- toString() - Method in interface net.messagevortex.router.operation.MathMode
get the identitfication representation.
- toString() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.Matrix
- toString() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.RealMathMode
- toString() - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.RemoveRedundancy
- toString() - Method in enum net.messagevortex.transport.SaslMechanisms
- transformColumn(int, int, int) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.Matrix
Multiplies element by element the values of the second column by the specified scalar
and subtracts the resulting value from the first element.
- transformRow(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class net.messagevortex.router.operation.Matrix
Divides or multiplies element by element the values of the second row by the specified
scalar and subtracts the resulting value from the first element.
- Transport - Interface in net.messagevortex.transport
Defines prerequisites for the transport layer.
- TransportReceiver - Interface in net.messagevortex.transport
Interface for all blender layers listening to transport layer messages.
- TransportSender - Interface in net.messagevortex.transport
- type - Variable in class net.messagevortex.asn1.UsagePeriod
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.BlendingParameter.BlendingParameterChoice
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Algorithm
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.AlgorithmType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.CipherUsage
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.DumpType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.EllipticCurveType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Padding
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Parameter
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.PrngType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.SecurityLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.StatusCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock.IdentityStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock.IdentityType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.UsagePeriodType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapConnectionState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.transport.SaslMechanisms
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.transport.SecurityRequirement
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.BlendingParameter.BlendingParameterChoice
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Algorithm
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.AlgorithmType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.CipherUsage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.DumpType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.EllipticCurveType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Padding
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.Parameter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.PrngType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.SecurityLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.encryption.StatusCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.HeaderRequestType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityBlock.IdentityStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.IdentityStoreBlock.IdentityType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.asn1.UsagePeriodType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.transport.imap.ImapConnectionState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.transport.SaslMechanisms
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum net.messagevortex.transport.SecurityRequirement
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- VandermondeMatrix - Class in net.messagevortex.router.operation
Van der mode matrices.
- VandermondeMatrix(VandermondeMatrix) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.router.operation.VandermondeMatrix
- VandermondeMatrix(int, int, MathMode) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.router.operation.VandermondeMatrix
Creates a standardized Van Der Monde matrix for distributiong data among multiple nodes.
- verify(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
Verifies a given signature accourding to the objects public key.
- verify(byte[], byte[], Algorithm) - Method in class net.messagevortex.asn1.AsymmetricKey
Verifies a given signature accourding to the objects public key.
- verifyHeaderForProcessing(IdentityBlock) - Method in class net.messagevortex.accounting.DummyAccountant
Dummy Verifier always returning for all requests an unlimited quota.
- verifyHeaderForProcessing(IdentityBlock) - Method in interface net.messagevortex.accounting.HeaderVerifier
checks the given IdentityBlock for validity of processing.
- Version - Class in net.messagevortex
- VortexMessage - Class in net.messagevortex.asn1
The main class representing the main message object.
- VortexMessage(InputStream, AsymmetricKey) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.VortexMessage
Parses a byte array to a VortexMessage.
- VortexMessage(byte[], AsymmetricKey) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.VortexMessage
Parses a byte array to a VortexMessage.
- VortexMessage(PrefixBlock, InnerMessageBlock) - Constructor for class net.messagevortex.asn1.VortexMessage
Creates a new message block.